Rochelle Burgess

Rochelle Burgess

Chief Compliance Officer

Rochelle’s professional journey began in the Healthcare sector 7 years ago, where she honed analytical skills and developed an understanding of regulatory compliance. This foundation served as a springboard for transition into the legal sector, where she continues to apply expertise today.

She holds two university degrees, which she believes is testament to her commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Furthermore feeling that her academic background, combined with her practical experience, equips her with a unique perspective on compliance in our industry.

With exceptional analytical skills and excellent attention to detail, these qualities enable her to navigate the complexities of our field and ensure our firm remains compliant with all relevant regulations.

She specialises in problem-solving, a skill that is crucial in our ever-changing regulatory landscape. Thriving on the challenges that come her way, Rochelle takes pride in finding effective solutions that align with our firm’s objectives.

Beyond her technical skills, Rochelle is a people person, stating she believes in fostering strong relationships both within our team and with our clients, aiming to make herself as approachable as possible, as an way to enhance collaborative efforts and contribute to an already positive work environment.

Outside of work, she values time spent with loved ones. Whether it’s dining out and enjoying good food with friends or simply spending quality time together with family, these moments allow her to recharge and return to work with renewed energy and focus.

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